Volunteer Steps
*note: if you are a returning volunteer and have already been issued a badge, only steps 1 and 2 are required.
(Please read carefully)
Complete Annual Training (approximately 30 min)
***This process has replaced the previous USA baseball training requirement. ***
- Register for an account here.
- Choose “Fontana Elks Lodge Little League” as your associated league.
- Complete “Abuse Awareness Training”.
- Email your certificate of completion of the “Abuse Awareness Training”course to [email protected].
Complete Annual JDP Background Check
Send an email to [email protected] to request a link to complete your JDP background check online if you haven't received one yet.
Elks Little League will be alerted upon completion of your background check.
Complete Live Scan Fingerprinting (this step is only necessary once per lifetime)
*Note. Managers of teams will be reimbursed for live scan fee with receipt.
Send a clear photo of yourself (head & shoulders) to [email protected].
This photo will be used for your official Elks ID Badge!